1. Not a Substitute for Professional Advice

At Mental Health Wellness, we provide coaching and educational content with the utmost care and compassion. However, it is important to note that these offerings are intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not replace professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We wholeheartedly encourage you to consult with your physician, therapist, or another qualified health provider for any concerns regarding your medical or mental health.

2. Personal Responsibility

We invite viewers of Mental Health Wellness to approach the information in our content (blog, videos, etc.) with their own unique perspectives and discretion. Recognize that everyone's journey is different, and while we strive to provide valuable insights, we cannot be held responsible for the decisions or actions individuals take based on the content of our videos.

3. Confidentiality

Rest assured, we take meaningful steps to safeguard the privacy of our clients, and we do not share information about them. However, we also acknowledge the inherent risks of online communication. We strongly advise against sharing personal or sensitive information in public forums or comments.

4. Not a Therapeutic Relationship

Engaging with coaching sessions or content from Mental Health Wellness does not establish a therapist-client relationship. If you find yourself in need of therapeutic services, we encourage you to seek support from a licensed mental health professional who can provide the personalized care you deserve.

5. Results Disclaimer

Each person's journey is unique, and outcomes may vary. Mental Health Wellness makes no guarantees regarding specific results, as personal growth and development depend on various factors. We approach coaching with understanding and humility, recognizing the subjective nature of success in these efforts.

6. Not Suitable for Crisis Situations

Our content is designed to support personal growth and development and is not suitable for individuals experiencing a crisis. If you find yourself in an emergency or crisis situation, we urge you to seek immediate assistance from a qualified professional or contact emergency services. For a list of resources, click here.

7. Professional Qualifications

Jessica Taylor, the driving force behind Mental Health Wellness, is a licensed professional counselor (LPC), licensed alcohol and drug counselor with a mental health focus (LADC/MH), and board certified coach (BCC). This disclaimer provides a glimpse into her qualifications, and we welcome you to contact Mental Health Wellness for further details about her professional qualifications.


This disclaimer reflects our commitment to providing a safe and supportive space for your journey toward mental and emotional well-being and is subject to change.