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Elevate Your Services with a BCC Certification

Our Board Certified Coach (BCC) training series is offered in partnership with the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE). This collaboration enables professionals from various fields to seamlessly incorporate fundamental and advanced coaching skills into their existing services, boosting both effectiveness and marketability.

The course content addresses gaps often left by traditional education and work experience. Alongside core coaching competencies, techniques, and best practices, you will be introduced to various communication tools to prompt meaningful change and produce results that last. These tools include building rapport, active listening, powerful questioning, and effective goal-setting to achieve desired outcomes.

Just as you provide personalized advice to each patient or client, we design our Coach Training Series to address the holistic needs of every individual. Whether through the comprehensive content of our Coach Training Series or the adaptable features of our toolkit, which enable you to customize each tool for your specific niche and clientele – our Board Certified Coach credential is as unique as you are.

The Coach Training Series Includes

Virtual on-demand offers a flexible and comprehensive path to becoming a Board Certified Coach. Designed to fit into your busy schedule, this training series provides access to quality training materials and resources. Our curriculum meets the rigorous standards set by the Center for Credentialing & Education, ensuring you receive top-tier education that is recognized and respected in the coaching industry.

Understanding the core principles of coaching is essential for any aspiring coach. You will explore key concepts such as active listening, powerful questioning, and goal setting, as well as ethical considerations and the coach-client relationship. This foundational knowledge equips you with the skills and confidence needed to create impactful coaching experiences and drive positive outcomes for your clients.

The self-paced training empowers you to take control of your educational journey. Designed for maximum flexibility, this mode of learning allows you to progress through course materials at your own speed, accommodating your unique schedule and learning preferences. Whether you are balancing work, family, or other commitments, our self-paced course ensure you do not have to sacrifice quality or comprehensiveness in your education.

Preparing for the Board Certified Coach Exam (BCCE) is crucial for certification. Our BCCE prep is meticulously designed to help you succeed. With a comprehensive study guide and practice exam, we ensure you understand the exam's structure and content. By the end of the BCCE prep, you will be thoroughly prepared and confident to pass the BCCE and advance your coaching career. Our BCCE prep can prepare you for the current BCCE and the January 2025 update.

3 Part Coach Training

Part 1 Coach Training


30 Hours

Required Textbook: The Coaches' Handbook: The Complete Practitioner Guide for Professional Coaches, (1st Ed.) by Jonathan Passmore

Optional Textbook: Co-Active Coaching, (4th Ed.) by Karen Kimsey-House, Henry Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandhal, Laura Whitworth

The number of hours required for certification varies based on your educational background and the credential you are pursuing. This is the perfect choice if you are looking for comprehensive, online, self-paced, coach training!

Purchase includes a personal endorsement for the BCC application.



Need to verify your coaching hours for your BCC application? Click here to learn more.

We also provide coaching supervision if you do not have coaching experience. Click here to learn more.


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